Hello and welcome to the Wyoming Statewide Costing Download Page! Due to email size limitations, we have found it easier to post a page for you to download the materials versus try to send them as attachments. Please download the files below to your hard drives and begin your work. As we discussed in your kickoff meeting and as per the instructional email sent to you with this link, your should be sending Scott Lloyd your FFS-1 or Per Diem sheet by August 20, 2021. As you are working on these sheets, if you get stuck on a point then you should email you question(s) to Scott via Scott.Lloyd@mtmservices.org immediately so that he can assist you. Thank you for your efforts on this, we look forward to producing reports and information for your that will useful in multiple different endeavors.

  1. FAQ Sheet - Updated on this site 7/14/21

  2. Costing Worksheet - Updated on this site 7/14/21

  3. Fringe Benefit Calculator (IF NEEDED/Optional) - Updated on this site 7/14/21

  4. Meeting Minutes from our kickoff - Updated on this site 7/14/21

  5. Kickoff Meeting Recording