
Outcomes Measurement and Monitoring

Outcomes measurement and monitoring supports people living with mental illness, substance use, and intellectual disorders to manage their treatment.  In the new payment environments, providers must demonstrate measurable outcomes and improve efficiencies, which can sharply reduce the need for specialized, high-cost services. The Daily Living Activities–20 (DLA-20) measures the daily living areas impacted by mental illness or disability and supports the functional assessment data needs of service providers.


Improving Efficiencies

Clinicians today are overwhelmed by the range of diverse, complex measurement and assessment tools. The DLA-20 is a brief functional assessment tool, integrated nationally with more than 30 EHRs and appropriate for individuals ages 6 and up, regardless of diagnosis, disability, or cultural background. It provides a 30-day snapshot of 20 domains and a summary of strengths and needs at a specific point related to whole health. MTM Services has trained over 1,000 provider organizations in 46 states and over 50,000 clinicians, who in turn have served more than 1,000,000 consumers.

Download the DLA-20 Fact Sheet

DLA-20 Self Report

Building on 20 years of experience, providers using the DLA-20 now have an important new tool: the DLA-20 Self Report enriches measurement and assessment efforts while increasing consumer engagement in the treatment process.

Download the DLA-20 Self Report Fact Sheet

Need to know more about the DLA-20?


Our DLA-20 Team

Click here to buy the
newly updated
DLA-20 book.


Annie Jensen
Senior DLA-20 Trainer

Jenny Ganaway
DLA-20 Trainer

Willa Presmanes
Co-Author of the DLA-20