Producing measurable outcomes

Our Services

MTM’s tailored consulting services, combined with state-of-the-art analytical tools, solve problems and produce measurable outcomes for physical and specialty healthcare providers including mental health, substance use disorder and intellectual / developmental disability services, and the individuals they serve.


Strategic Business Planning & Business Operations


As payers, employers, and policy makers continue to experiment with new payment and delivery models, providers can be overwhelmed by the scope and pace of change. Yesterday’s approaches will not work in tomorrow’s healthcare delivery system.  The need for smart, strategic planning coupled with a clear understanding of new revenue models has never been more important – or more challenging.     

MTM Services knows that successful change only happens with informed and committed leadership.  

That’s why we work with providers to develop and implement a strategic business plan that embraces rapid-cycle change to transform your organization for the future.  We help providers understand true costs and maximize efficiencies while fostering a culture of excellence aimed at achieving the ultimate goal – making life better for the people you serve.

MTM’s core strategic planning and operations services include:


Performance Measurement & Data-driven Management


Every good management team develops a plan to improve systems, optimize revenue and maximize impact.  But are those plans fully implemented? Are they working? Traditional reporting tools fail to capture the information essential to creating truly systemic change.

MTM Services works with providers to turn data into action.  

Our analytical and reporting tools measure the effectiveness of management and clinical practices and identify meaningful opportunities for improving the delivery of care.  We drive transformational change by combining state-of-the-art time and cost reporting with hands-on consulting services essential for success in a rapidly changing environment.

MTM’s key performance measurement and data-driven management services include:


Successful change only happens with informed and committed leadership


Clinical Best


Shifting payment models emphasize value over volume and providers are increasingly measured and funded based on consumer outcomes rather than numbers of consumers served. These changes increasingly prompt providers to embrace and implement transformational new approaches to well-established clinical practices.  

Change is hard. But at MTM Services, we know how to make it work.

We have worked with hundreds of organizations to implement state-of-the-art outcome assessment tools coupled with new approaches to delivering clinical services, including same-day access to care, treat to target models of care, stepped care, integrated physical and behavioral healthcare and evidence-based practice models for individuals with moderate to severe conditions. Together, we work with providers to create operational efficiencies and revenue opportunities while, most importantly, improving patient outcomes.

MTM's core services to promote clinical best practices include:


Board, Leadership
& Workforce Development


Effective implementation of transformational change requires a team willing to question and even abandon legacy assumptions in favor of proven new approaches. The change process starts with leadership from the Governance Board and management team.  But ultimately, success requires the necessary and appropriate support, alignment, and engagement of the Board and staff, including all supervisors and managers.  

MTM Services knows this last step is sometimes the most difficult.

Too often, teams are exhausted by “talking about change.”  The best plans are meaningless if they are not embraced and implemented by the entire team – from the Governance Board and management team to the staff working on the front lines delivering essential services.  MTM provides exceptional leadership coaching combined with real-time assessments and “secret shopper” feedback to drive effective change management, improve productivity, and ultimately, to change operational culture.

MTM's key board, leadership, and workforce development services include: