MTM Presentations at NatCon18
Monday, April 23
Building a Culture of Information Technology Security from the Top Down
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Charlie Grantham - IT and Process Optimization Consultant
Security breach – the fear of all businesses including health care. Don’t wait to act. Developing a culture of security throughout an organization is key to building and implementing safeguards in systems and workflows. From purchasing decisions to daily operation, security and compliance must be considered and reinforced. From the CEO through every organizational level, there must be a commitment to a culture of security. Get tips and tools to apply in all stages of change – assessment to planning, implementation to practice and monitoring to audit.
Learning Objectives:
· Review key HHS/Health IT Security Risk Assessment guidelines and develop strategies to determine risk
· Discuss compliant policies, procedures and practices via real world examples
· Review best practices in workforce education
End Organizational Dysfunction
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Scott Lloyd - President
Every day teams around the country are working to deliver the highest quality care they can, however they are plagued with systems issues that hold them back from meeting that goal. The challenge is that teams often don’t understand what they are doing to keep the cycle of disfunction going, and/or more importantly how to make it stop! In this session we will explore the top changes needed to take control of your system and work to the care that you have always wanted to deliver.
Learning Objectives:
· Identify common areas of organizational dysfunction and what to do about them!
· Give examples of how other teams have used tools to address these areas of concern
· Show how the use of data helps team to more successfully implement and maintain change successfully.
Using the DLA 20 for Better Outcomes
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Annie Jensen, LCSW - Senior DLA-20/Process Change Consultant with
Sheila Rapa, PsyD - Chief Clinical Officer - Chrysalis Health, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) and
Ralph May, Jr., PsyD - Chief Clinical Officer - Community Guidance Center(Indiana, PA)
How does your organization define quality outcomes for the services you provide? The DLA-20 is a reliable and valid outcome tool that measures improvement, quality and value for all individual ages 6 and older. Hear firsthand how the DLA-20 is demonstrating proven results within Community Behavioral Health Centers.
Learning Objectives:
· Describe how the DLA-20 is used to reliably demonstrate functioning in 20 daily living activities.
· Analyze two CBHC case studies that will be presented on how they have implemented the DLA-20 and the client-level outcome information they have achieved.
· Understand the various DLA-20 tools and the populations they serve.
They Say Prove It? You Have the DLA 20!
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Michael Flora, MBA, MAEd - Senior Management and Operations Consultant
Willa Presmanes, MEd, MA - Medical Necessity/UM Consultant, Co-Author of the DLA-20
How does your provider organization demonstrate value through attainment of measurement-based goals and clinical outcomes? This session will focus on the strategies through the use of the DLA-20 to incorporate the "Golden Thread" and report clinical improvement for those we serve to the Board of Directors, community stakeholders and payers.
Learning Objectives:
· List proven strategies to show value and cost through Level of Care and outcome measurement
· Describe proven strategies in the use of the DLA-20 to demonstrate improvement and goal attainment
· Review sample dashboards and clinical reporting for Key stakeholders, payers and board members
Resistance Is Futile: Same Day Access Is Here to Stay!
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Joy Fruth, MSW - Lead Process Change Consultant
Making consumers wait for an assessment is so old school. With same-day access, you can improve consumer engagement, save valuable clinician time and set yourself up to achieve successful outcomes. No FOMO here – we will help you join the hundreds of other health care organizations that already offer same day access!
Learning Objectives:
· Recognize the value of decreased consumer wait time
· Illustrate how same day access reduces cost and increases productivity
· Apply methods to measure client engagement (i.e. show/appointment kept rates)
From Incarcerated Adolescent to Productive Adult
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Valerie Westhead, MD - Medical Consultant with
Katherine Schroeder, LMHC, MCAP - Vice President Seminole County Programs, Aspire Health Partners (Sanford, FL) and
Erin Martin, LMHC, MCAP - Senior Director of Acute Care Services, Aspire Health Partners (Orlando, FL)
Youth in the criminal justice system have high rates of co-occurring disorders that demand the collaboration of behavioral health care organizations and criminal justice. These partnerships offer us the promise of long-term recovery and reduced recidivism. This session outlines a pathway to creating and sustaining the services and supports needed to create better futures for these fragile young adults. The young people in your communities need you to attend this session.
Learning Objectives:
· Learn sequential mapping, intercept points, and how to expand services and engagement between behavioral health and CJ
· Reiterate best practices in partnering with law enforcement, courts, jails and probation for alternative responses including pre-and post-diversion and problem-solving courts
· Discuss Rapid Cycle Change as technique to quickly implement projects
Tuesday, April 24
Criminal Justice and Behavioral Health: Partners Addressing the Opioid Crisis
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Valerie Westhead, MD - Medical Consultant
David Swann, MA, LCAS, CCS, NCC, LPC - Senior Integrated Healthcare Consultant
Annie Jensen, LCSW - Senior DLA-20/Process Change Consultant
The opiate crisis isn’t easily solved and it certainly won’t be solved by one sector alone. Behavioral health organizations (BHOs) increasingly value the police, courts and jails as partners. But what does the BHO bring to the table? Join this content-rich workshop and explore how one becomes co-occurring competent, expands services and adds value to the criminal justice system and patients.
Learning Objectives:
· Identify the essential elements of substance use disorder treatment and design a comprehensive co-occurring system of care that includes partnering with the criminal justice system
· Recognize specific needs of the criminal justice system and understand how to engage all parties including local government in the planning and implementation of services
· Create a workable timetable for collaborating and implementing co-occurring services
· Apply an evidence based functional assessment tool to determine level of care working with the needs assessment tools employed by the criminal justice system
Transformational Change Requires Transformational Leaders
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
David Lloyd - Founder
The measurement-based care operational, clinical and financial changes ahead for CBHCs will require leadership to support transformational change. Many organizations are not equipped to be successful and need transformational change leadership information. David Lloyd, author of “Leadership Skills to Support High Functioning Teams,” will provide experience-based perspectives.
Learning Objectives:
· Assess the CBHC’s or any organization's readiness for change including strengths and areas of risk
· Recognize how to shift from a “sequential change” committee of the whole model of change to a sustained CQI based delegated leadership transformational change process
· Identify the critical change management roles of executive team, board, mid-level managers/supervisors and front-line staff and effective strategies for engagement at all levels
· Recognize the core elements of rapid-cycle change and continuous quality improvement, and prepare to implement these change models within the organization
Mastering the Value of Care Equation: Real Examples from Providers Who Have Made the Change
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Scott Lloyd - President
Explore the value of care (VOC) equation with a focus on costing and outcome measurement and learn what your team needs to do to make sure you are in the best position possible for success. Mike Garrett of the AMHCK will share what his agency and the other agencies in the state of Kansas are doing to master the VOC.
Learning Objectives:
· Have a full understanding of what it takes to successfully measure the VOC equation
· Understand how to properly cost your agencies services to assure the highest level of accuracy possible
· Learn from a peer on what is being done to empower agencies in their VOC negotiations.
From Pay-for-Volume to Pay-for-Value: From Fee-for Service to Bundled and Capitated Rates
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Michael Flora, MBA, MAEd - Senior Management and Operations Consultant
As states and their managed care companies tip-toe into “value-based” payment, mental health and addiction organizations need to shift their clinical, back office and front office operations to meet payer expectations. Organizations must define an episode of care including authorization and re-authorization practices, develop collection and co-pay processes and develop systems that generate reports that illustrate value through measurement of outcomes and attainment of goals. Critical to success are strategies for staff recruitment, retention, performance and leadership development. Attend this very rich session and learn to be “value-based” and an employer of choice!
Learning Objectives:
· Define proven strategies in back office readiness to meet payer demands
· Recall how to improve work flows for efficiency in billing operations
· Identify top billing challenges by reason code, percentage and dollar amount
· Review sample performance indicator reports for clinical and non-clinical staff
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