Now offering:

Wellness in the DLA-20!

This highly interactive training series, which consists of two workshops, provides staff practical strategies to boost scoring outcomes & enhance treatment plans by instilling strategically designed wellness practices to boost measurable qualifiers of behaviors presented in the DLA-20. The training is made up of:

  • Rolling with resistance curriculum: How to overcome barriers, such as barriers or resistance on a consumer, staff, or organizational level, to successfully implement the DLA-20.

  • A wellness intervention technique tailored for each daily living activity (DLA): This comprehensive training provides staff simple action items that can be applied to optimize well-being, both with consumers and personally. 

  • Leadership training on effectively leading change.

Investing in the well-being of your consumers and staff is more important than ever, which is why we asked our wellness expert to carefully design this wellness curriculum for the DLA-20 trainers and are now so excited to be sharing it with you!

Contact our wellness expert to: